Possible Courses for My Students:

Courses at WUSTL
BME 530 Molecular Cell Biology For Engineers
BIOL 5146 Principles and Applications of Biological Imaging
CSE 332S Object-Oriented Software Development Laboratory
CSE 516A Multi-Agent Systems
CSE 517A Machine Learning
CSE 559A Computer Vision
CSE 587 Algorithms for Computational Biology
ESE 403 Operations Research
ESE 415 Optimization
ESE 510 Matrix Analysis and Applications
ESE 513 Convex Optimization and Duality Theory
ESE 514 Calculus of Variations
ESE 515 Optimization
ESE 520 Probability and Stochastic Processes
ESE 521 Random Variables and Stochastic Processes I
ESE 523 Information Theory
ESE 524 Detection and Estimation Theory
ESE 534 Special Topics in Advanced Electrodynamics
ESE 537 Advanced Electromagnetic Theory
ESE 539 Advanced Electromagnetics: Radiation and Scattering
ESE 545 Stochastic Control
ESE 552 Linear Dynamic Systems II
ESE 587 Ultrasound Imaging
Math 350 Mathematical Biology
Math 408 Nonparametric Statistics
Math 420 Experimental Design
Math 439 Linear Statistical Models
Math 459 Bayesian Statistics
Math 460 Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Math 475 Statistic computation
Math 493 Probability
Math 494 Mathematical Statistics
Math 495 Stochastic Processes
Math 535 Spectral Graph Theory
Math 4111 Introduction to Analysis
Math 4121 Introduction to Lebesgue Integration
Math 5051 Measure Theory and Functional Analysis I
Math 5061 Theory of Statistics I
Math 5062 Theory of Statistics II
ASTAT 560 Visiting Scholar Statistical Research Seminar
Physics 505 Classical Electrodynamics
Chemistry 586 Commercialization of Science and Technology
ECON 467 Game Theory
Courses under master in genetic epidemiology (Electives)
Courses under Ph.D. in DBBS statistical genomics

English Courses at WUSTL
T55 563 Technical Communications for Engineering Managers
E60 510A Engineering Communications for Non-native English Speakers
E60 510B Engineering Writing for Non-native English Speakers
U15 ELP 250 Research Writing for the Sciences
Links and information through: http://artsci.wustl.edu/~esl/commconn.shtml

Courses at UIC
ECE 401 Quasi-static Electric and Magnetic Fields
ECE 421 Introduction to Antenna Engineering
ECE 491 Wireless Communications
ECE 515 Image Analysis and Machine Vision II
ECE 516 Optimal and Adaptive Digital Filters
ECE 517 Digital Image Processing
ECE 520 Electromagnetic Field Theory
ECE 526 Electromegnatic Scattering
ECE 530 Statistical Communication Theory
ECE 531 Detection and Estimation Theory
ECE 550 Linear Systems
ECE 594 Special Topics (Filter Banks and Wavelets)
STAT 411 Statistical Theory
STAT 416 Non-parametric Statistical Methods
STAT 461 Applied Probability Models
STAT 471 Linear and Non-linear Programming
STAT 473 Game Theory
STAT 511 Advanced Statistical Theory I
STAT 512 Advanced Statistical Theory II
STAT 521 Linear Statistical Models
STAT 522 Multivariate Analysis
STAT 575 Optimization Methods in Matrices
STAT 572 Cooperative Game Theory
STAT 575 Optimization Methods in Matrices
STAT 596 Independent Study
MATH 419 Models in Applied Mathematics
MATH 442 Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
MATH 494 Matrices and Their Applications
MATH 533 Real Analysis I
MATH 535 Complex Analysis I
MATH 574 Applied Optimal Control
MATH584 Applied Stochastic Models
MCS 471 Numerical Analysis
MCS 531 Error-Correcting Codes
MCS 592 Advanced Topics in Error-correcting Codes
IE 471 Operations Research I
IE 576 Nonlinear Optimization
CEMM 434 Finite Elements I
CEMM 534 Finite Elements II
IDS 435 Operations Research I
IDS 436 Operations Research II
IDS 594 Independent Study
BIOE 407 Pattern Recognition I
BIOE 472 Models of the Nervous System
BIOE 474 Neural Engineering I
BIOE 480 Introduction to Bioinformatics
BIOE 494 Molecular Modeling in Bioinformatics (Spring)
BIOE 494 Introduction to MRI (Fall)
BIOE 507 Pattern Recognition II
BIOE 521 Imaging Systems for Biological Tissues
BIOE 575 Neural Engineering II
BIOE 594 Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computation
BIOS 442 Nerve and Muscle Physiology
BIOS 587 Topics in Neurobiology
BVis 400 Visual Cognition
BVis 405 Anatomical Visualization
NEUS 582 Methods in Modern Neuroscience
ASP 095: Academic and Professional Writing Class