Possible Courses for My Students:
Courses at WUSTL
BME 530 Molecular Cell Biology For Engineers |
BIOL 5146 Principles and Applications of Biological Imaging |
CSE 332S Object-Oriented Software Development Laboratory |
CSE 516A Multi-Agent Systems |
CSE 517A Machine Learning |
CSE 559A Computer Vision |
CSE 587 Algorithms for Computational Biology |
ESE 403 Operations Research |
ESE 415 Optimization |
ESE 510 Matrix Analysis and Applications |
ESE 513 Convex Optimization and Duality Theory |
ESE 514 Calculus of Variations |
ESE 515 Optimization |
ESE 520 Probability and Stochastic Processes |
ESE 521 Random Variables and Stochastic Processes I |
ESE 523 Information Theory |
ESE 524 Detection and Estimation Theory |
ESE 534 Special Topics in Advanced Electrodynamics |
ESE 537 Advanced Electromagnetic Theory |
ESE 539 Advanced Electromagnetics: Radiation and Scattering |
ESE 545 Stochastic Control |
ESE 552 Linear Dynamic Systems II |
ESE 587 Ultrasound Imaging |
Math 350 Mathematical Biology |
Math 408 Nonparametric Statistics |
Math 420 Experimental Design |
Math 439 Linear Statistical Models |
Math 459 Bayesian Statistics |
Math 460 Multivariate Statistical Analysis |
Math 475 Statistic computation |
Math 493 Probability |
Math 494 Mathematical Statistics |
Math 495 Stochastic Processes |
Math 535 Spectral Graph Theory |
Math 4111 Introduction to Analysis |
Math 4121 Introduction to Lebesgue Integration |
Math 5051 Measure Theory and Functional Analysis I |
Math 5061 Theory of Statistics I |
Math 5062 Theory of Statistics II |
ASTAT 560 Visiting Scholar Statistical Research Seminar |
Physics 505 Classical Electrodynamics |
Chemistry 586 Commercialization of Science and Technology |
ECON 467 Game Theory |
Courses under master in genetic epidemiology (Electives) |
Courses under Ph.D. in DBBS statistical genomics |
English Courses at WUSTL
T55 563 Technical Communications for Engineering Managers |
E60 510A Engineering Communications for Non-native English Speakers |
E60 510B Engineering Writing for Non-native English Speakers |
U15 ELP 250 Research Writing for the Sciences |
Links and information through: http://artsci.wustl.edu/~esl/commconn.shtml |
Courses at UIC
ECE 401 Quasi-static Electric and Magnetic Fields |
ECE 421 Introduction to Antenna Engineering |
ECE 491 Wireless Communications |
ECE 515 Image Analysis and Machine Vision II |
ECE 516 Optimal and Adaptive Digital Filters |
ECE 517 Digital Image Processing |
ECE 520 Electromagnetic Field Theory |
ECE 526 Electromegnatic Scattering |
ECE 530 Statistical Communication Theory |
ECE 531 Detection and Estimation Theory |
ECE 550 Linear Systems |
ECE 594 Special Topics (Filter Banks and Wavelets) |
STAT 411 Statistical Theory |
STAT 416 Non-parametric Statistical Methods |
STAT 461 Applied Probability Models |
STAT 471 Linear and Non-linear Programming |
STAT 473 Game Theory |
STAT 511 Advanced Statistical Theory I |
STAT 512 Advanced Statistical Theory II |
STAT 521 Linear Statistical Models |
STAT 522 Multivariate Analysis |
STAT 575 Optimization Methods in Matrices |
STAT 572 Cooperative Game Theory |
STAT 575 Optimization Methods in Matrices |
STAT 596 Independent Study |
MATH 419 Models in Applied Mathematics |
MATH 442 Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces |
MATH 494 Matrices and Their Applications |
MATH 533 Real Analysis I |
MATH 535 Complex Analysis I |
MATH 574 Applied Optimal Control |
MATH584 Applied Stochastic Models |
MCS 471 Numerical Analysis |
MCS 531 Error-Correcting Codes |
MCS 592 Advanced Topics in Error-correcting Codes |
IE 471 Operations Research I |
IE 576 Nonlinear Optimization |
CEMM 434 Finite Elements I |
CEMM 534 Finite Elements II |
IDS 435 Operations Research I |
IDS 436 Operations Research II |
IDS 594 Independent Study |
BIOE 407 Pattern Recognition I |
BIOE 472 Models of the Nervous System |
BIOE 474 Neural Engineering I |
BIOE 480 Introduction to Bioinformatics |
BIOE 494 Molecular Modeling in Bioinformatics (Spring) |
BIOE 494 Introduction to MRI (Fall) |
BIOE 507 Pattern Recognition II |
BIOE 521 Imaging Systems for Biological Tissues |
BIOE 575 Neural Engineering II |
BIOE 594 Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computation |
BIOS 442 Nerve and Muscle Physiology |
BIOS 587 Topics in Neurobiology |
BVis 400 Visual Cognition |
BVis 405 Anatomical Visualization |
NEUS 582 Methods in Modern Neuroscience |
ASP 095: Academic and Professional Writing Class |