Automated Music Generation for Sight Reading

Melody Generator
User Guide
Harmony Generator
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Melody Generator
The Melody Generator is a computer program designed to create a MIDI file that can be used to create sheet music for sight reading.

The program uses a Markov Chain to calculate the next note based on the current note and the probabilities of the next notes. In some cases, the Markov Chain is expanded to a point where the next note is a function of not only the current note but also the previous note. For example, when the melody leaps in one direction, the next note has a higher probability of stepping in the other direction to compensate for this leap.
The program creates a MIDI file, which can then be placed into a program such as MidiIllustrator, which converts the MIDI file into sheet music.

Example of a Sample Song created by the Melody Generator and placed into MidiIllustrator

Graphical User Interface
The Melody Generator has been implemented with an intuitive graphical user interface. This GUI makes it easy for the program to set the many input parameters. Below is an example of how the user would set the desired range of the song.
Input Parameters 
The Melody Generator mas numerous input parameters that can be set by the user. Some of these include time signature, key signature and range of notes. A complete user guide for these parameters is included.